

Royal IHC takes responsibility for the impact of its activities on the environment.

It all starts with taking responsibility for the impact of our activities on the environment. We aim to annually reduce our carbon footprint by two per cent, and encourage the use of sustainable resources while focusing on increasing the sustainability of our facilities. 

This includes energy saving measures, such as: 

  • the replacement of diesel-powered forklifts with electric-powered forklifts 
  • a transition from conventional to LED lighting 
  • the recycling of salvaged materials 
  • a reduction of packing materials.

Not only does Royal IHC consider taking such energy saving measures as its responsibility, it also propagates them through its Code of Conduct

In addition to our efforts to reduce energy consumption, waste flows, consumption of materials and transport at our facilities, we are also committed to minimising the environmental impact of Royal IHC’s products and services.